Sunday, March 27, 2011

Yellow Binky for Baseball Mitt

Max surprised us again today. After his nap, Mommy and Max were having a conversation about cutting his hair. (We were scarred from the last SnipIt's experience, so we've been trying to find a way to approach the topic cautiously.) Anyway, Mommy was going through her quarterly review of Max's wardrobe (always a joy to discover the boy is actually growing into his cousins' hand-me-downs) and she discovered cousin Ian's baseball shirt with an emblem of a baseball bat and mitt embroidered onto it. Mommy excitedly showed Max the baseball shirt and said, "Max! If you let Mommy cut your hair this afternoon, maybe you can wear Ian Gege's baseball shirt afterwards!"

It seemed to spark something in him, because Max all of a sudden announced (in Chinese), "Max is going to throw away his yellow binky!" And then it dawned on us, a week ago (when Max threw out the blue binky in exchange for the baseball bat), Mommy promised Max that if he threw out his yellow (and last) binky, he would get a baseball mitt.

Mommy and Daddy were shocked by Max's announcement, and before we knew it, Max had thrown his yellow binky into the trash. Daddy nervously fished it out for fear of the repercussions at bed time. He did this without Max seeing, of course. But we stayed true to our word and immediately went to buy Max a new baseball mitt. Our little chef was pleased as punch coming out of the store, and he had it on for the rest of the afternoon.

Well, along came bedtime, and Max realized what he had done. It was like watching a heroin addict going through the stages of withdrawal. There was anger, sadness, trembling, and lots of snot. He even went so far as to go back to the garbage can into which he had thrown the binky. It was a good thing that Daddy took the binky out, after all. Mommy and Daddy (mostly Mommy) stayed strong and Max went to bed tonight without a binky.

Here's hoping that three days from now, our little chef will have forgotten about it entirely. But we're afraid that the sight of the baseball mitt will now trigger memories of his last binky. He might actually come to hold a grudge against baseball.

[aside] We recently discovered a green binky in the car from Max's infant days. It's in pristine condition (unlike the blue and yellow binky, which each had 20+ pinholes--another story for another time). Daddy wants to hold on to the green binky in case of dire emergency (ie, binky addict's conniptions/fits) which Mommy says, "not under my watch. no way." Stay tuned.

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