Sunday, February 28, 2010


Oh my. Who is this child?

Nai Nai (Max's grandmother) just sent us this photo from her last visit with Max (Sept 09). As you can see, she really enjoys styling his hair!

Alan's reaction? "Dweeb." I think it's pretty hilarious. You be the judge.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Maxese. 17 Months.

Max is 17-months old today. As the little man expands his vocabulary, some of it seems to be in the form of theme and variation.

For instance "wa wa" could mean socks (wa zi), phone (dian hua) or perhaps a request to draw (hua hua).

Similarly, "ma ma" could be a reference to either Mommy, President Obama or Elmo.

In Maxese, there's a fine line between parenting, being the world's most powerful leader and dancing like a muppet. Am I flattered? You bet.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

"Table for Three, Please"

On Chinese New Year/Valentine's Day, the three of us went out to dinner in Palo Alto. Max wore his first dinner jacket out on the town (thanks, cousin Ian, for the hand-me-downs!).

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

February 14th is a special day in our family. This year, it marks Valentine's Day and the start of the Chinese New Year. It is the Year of the Tiger, my mother's zodiac sign.

On Valentine's Day eleven years ago, my mom passed away and our lives changed forever. Of course, we all miss her tremendously, but we know she is watching over each and every one of her family members, including Max, who now looks up and points to the sky when we show him pictures of his Popo.

On this day eleven years ago, my mother literally gave her heart to someone in need. We take comfort in knowing that she helped save and change the lives of six patients in need of vital organ transplants. Though Max did not have the chance to meet his Popo, I can already see her virtues in him. He is patient, generous, kind, good-natured (and dare I say, finds humor in some of the strangest things just like his Popo).

Today marks a day when we are reminded to take time to appreciate all our blessings, big and small. In the end, it's family, friends and the people we love that matter most.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bumps, Beers and Bruises

Our little man tends to be a little over-confident in his running and climbing these days. The below photos were taken at a birthday party for Avery (Max's bud in Bernal Heights). I've posted these pics (with credit to Ave's mom!) as they show what seems to happen in Max's world on a weekly basis.

1. Bump (followed by a few tears)
2. Beer (he loves an ice-cold can and it helps with the swelling)
3. Bounce back to playing (occasionally, with a bruise)

Our most memorable bruise was in the shape of the letter "L." Guess who face-planted on his wood MaxwelL puzzle...

Carry on, Max. You are one brave boy!

Monday, February 1, 2010

1970 El Camino

A "milestone" for Max this evening. Daddy gave Max his first matchbox car.