Friday, December 11, 2009

Max's Top 10 Wish List, Christmas 2009

10. Unlimited toilet paper unraveling. (will you forgive me, Sheryl Crow?)

9. Unsupervised, non-hovering climbing time on the staircase (couch and ottomans would be nice, too).

8. Please, I beg you, no more flash photography, Mom!

7. A dip in the toilet bowl. The door to that room is always closed. What's all the fuss?

6. A personal assistant, custodial staff, chef-on-command, masseuse, a captive audience. Oh, wait...already have those.

Okay, 6. When I offer you my half-eaten and personally-juiced orange slice, please accept it graciously. It's my gift to you.

5. I wish to brush my teeth everyday with Gong Gong. Seriously, see "Videos of Max and Friends" link on the blog sidebar.

4. I hear talk about "having the boy go cold turkey with that binky." Please don't do it. You will rue the day. Rue.

3. Magnets. Any color, shape or size will do, but preferably the tiny ones that freak out Mother when I threaten to eat one.

2. To roll, play, sleep and eat in a tub full of blueberries. For this, I might even rescind Wish #8 simply so that I can relive the experience.

1. World Peace. (My parents have trained me to say that. Between you and me, if it doesn't work out, I'll gladly accept a tub full of cheddar. Ideally extra sharp, organic and six-year aged. Thanks.)

Happy Holidays to all!

Much love,

Saturday, December 5, 2009

12 Months of Maxwell

One of Max's first favorite toys was a character named "Rock Lee" (thanks to the "Godfather," Mike Lopez). At just a few weeks, Max took quite a liking to Rock Lee, so we decided to use Master Lee for scale in our monthly photo of Max.

Although there have been times when we were a little concerned about Max's weight (usually hovering at 20%), reviewing these photos reassures us that, at the very least, he outgrew Rock Lee.