Monday, November 7, 2011

Fall 2011 Pics

Beginning this weekend, we have visitors staying with us every weekend through January 2012! M.A.X. is lovin' it.

We'll try to update this album along the way...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Summer/Fall Highlights

So, it's been a while since we've posted anything. I assure you that cute (and definitely not cute) things are still going on in the world of Our Little Chef. Life has been pretty busy for the three of us and we continue to be grateful for our many blessings.

Some highlights from this Summer/Fall:

~We completed an extensive renovation and moved into our new house! Max loves his new digs, transitioned smoothly to his "big boy bed" (albeit with a few slumbery tumbles), and loves living next door to a huge park (including a bouldering wall), baseball and soccer fields. He was a bit disappointed to learn that our contractors and real estate agent (who were constant fixtures in the house during the 3-month renovation) were not going to be living with us though.

~This summer was the start of a steady flow of visitors. We had a super fun time with the Slater Fab Five, Nai Nai, Ye Ye and Gong Gong. The highlight was seeing all the Ma family for Liz and Adam's beautiful wedding at Chaminade. It was The Party of the year.

~Max turned 3 on September 25! And magically, on this day, too, he was potty-trained. Sometimes miracles do happen. Or, maybe it was just the thrill of wearing firetruck underwear. For his birthday this year, we hosted a breakfast for 70 of our friends and family. Given we were still at the tail end of our renovation, Max was very considerate and chose a construction theme. It was pretty adorable to see all the kiddos running around in their construction helmets. Breakfast would not have been possible without the help of grandparent support though. Nai Nai, in particular, was a superstar. She made EIGHT POUNDS OF BACON.

~Most recently, Max got into the spirit of Halloween this year. It was his first time trick-or-treating, his first time eating candy...and his first time being A Door. His choice.