Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Max as "Max" on Balmy Street

Because Mommy and Daddy want to get as much mileage out of the outfit as possible, here's one last video of Max on Balmy Street when we did his "photoshoot." Gong Gong joined us, and he actually took most of the pictures that day. We had a great morning hanging out in the SF Mission. Daddy got donuts from Dynamo Donuts & Coffee (Maple Glazed Bacon Apple, Lemon Pistachio, Vanilla Bean, and Banana de Leche) for breakfast, and we just soaked in the sights and sounds near Balmy Street.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Is that the flavor of the donuts or the coffee? If the donuts, I heartily approve (as I do of almost anything related to donuts). If it is the coffee, that is a bit disturbing.

Oh yeah, and Max continues to be the cutest thing that side of the Atlantic.