Saturday, August 29, 2009

Maxwell in the Big Apple

We recently attended Xiao-Li Yi's and her husband, Joe's, wedding. It was the first time all the cousins of Alan's generation were gathered together in one place. The wedding was held in downtown Manhattan, and we also got to hang out at GuGu's house and play with Ian and Lia.

Maxwell very much enjoyed hanging out with his two cousins, but Lia especially liked to play with Max. Each time she saw Max, she would point at him and say, "Baby." She is 10 months older than him, but right now, she seems light years ahead.

The first day we were in New York was a humid one, and it's clear that Max, Mommy, and Daddy have been softened by California living because we were all sweaty messes, especially Max. Nai Nai (aka Wai-Po) flew at the same time as us from Cali to New York, so we got to spend some extra time with her. You can see from the pics we had a great time with the family. MMY-Po gave Max his first taste of alcohol at the wedding reception (as she did with Ian at Wes Su-Su's wedding a few years ago), and he very clearly chose red wine over milk. *sigh* Our boy is growing up so fast.

Xiao-Li Yi and Uncle Joe should be on their honeymoon in Africa now, so we wish them another hearty congratulations, and it looks like we'll be back in the Big Apple for Xmas this year!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I like the "movie theater" attended by the disney toys. I can't believe Maxwell has gotten so big in just a few months. We're going to be in DC for Xmas/New Year's, we'd love to try and get together while we are both on the East Coast!