Monday, June 22, 2009

Maxwell in cognito

Ok, ok, so we've been a bit remiss to post to the blog, as mommy's co-worker, Irene (mother of the adorable 7+ mo. William), anxiously reminded her yesterday.

In any case, 5/17 was the Bay to Breakers event in San Franciso, where Mommy and Daddy walked and pushed Maxwell with the rest of Orbit Baby through Golden Gate Park. It was a pretty awesome day (with not many pics, unfortunately or fortunately . . . there were a lot of naked folks that um, maybe shouldn't have been naked), but Maxwell enjoyed it overall.

We also have a few pics of Maxwell in his Milk Chicco shirt that Nai Nai bought for him. The sprout on top is functional, and daddy-approved.

Finally, we have Coachlet Maxwell - the new Virginia Tech football coach. I'll leave it at that.

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