Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Miscellaneous Maxwell - Shuffle Mode

So, it's been a while since we've blogged and shown any pics of Maxwell. This is a carefully selected "dump-all" of the last couple of months.

Of course, as much fun as we have with Max, let it be known that it's not all peaches and cream. He's not quite into bottles in general, but boy can he pack away the solids. We'll take the trade-off, but it has not been a trivial amount of stress that Mommy (and the nanny) has been experiencing. In any case, after our recent wellness check, here are the stats:

Weight - 25th %ile
Height - 50th %ile
Head Size - 70th %ile

We're guessing that half of his weight is his head. But you be the judge after looking at the pics. Other news: the nurse who gave Maxwell his 4 vaccinations was shocked by the fact that a) he didn't really mind the shots - not a tear shed; and b) he abhorred the sweet, sugary oral vaccines. Apparently, we have a strange child. We think we'll keep him. Enjoy the pics.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


No pics this time - this one's just a record to keep for Mommy and Daddy.

Milestone 1: Maxwell turns 6 months old on March 25, 2009.

Milestone 2: TOOTH! Bottom left is popping out now. (It clinks on the glass when Maxwell is drinking). It arrived on March 27th, give or take a day.

Milestone 3
: Maxwell rocks and rolls onto his tummy from his back (old news), and onto his back from his tummy(new news!).

New Feature of the Blog: Upper right link "Videos of Max and Friends" takes you to videos on youtube. Enjoy maximum Maxwellness in high-def video.